Velvet Book Club Questions


Place & Time:

How well do you think the author crafted the setting of Sack City?

What area of the country did you imagine Sack City to be located in?  Which state?

Was it easy to picture Mama & Velvet’s mobile home on Tender Vine Lane?

The author never shares the exact year the story takes place. What years did you imagine while reading?

Were you transported to a simpler time? 

Did you notice there were no cell phones, or technology?

Were you aware of the economic standing of the families?



Did Mama remind you of anyone? Or, Who did Mama remind you of?

Did Velvet remind you of anyone? Or, Who did Velvet remind you of?

Did Diamond Jim remind you of anyone? Or, Who did Diamond Jim remind you of?

Did Ditty remind you of anyone? Or, Who did Ditty remind you of?

Did Joan Evans remind you of anyone? Or, Who did Joan Evans remind you of?


Who was your favorite character? Why?

Who was your least favorite character? Why?

Which character would you most like to meet? Why?

What would you like to ask that character?

Velvet demonstrates wisdom beyond her years. Did it seem she was 15, going on 16? Or, did she seem younger or older?

How old do you think Mama was when she conceived Velvet?

How old do you think Diamond Jim was when he died?



Did you find the story believable?

What was your favorite scene?

Do you have a favorite quote?

Velvet has a cast of strong women characters – did this matter to you?

Did you wonder if Mama was a stripper?

What kind of dancing do you think Mama did at the Hip Joint?

Why do you think Mama kept the birthdays cards from Diamond Jim hidden from Velvet?

Diamond Jim said he did not feel worthy of Mama and Velvet’s love. Why do you think he felt that way?

What were the first signs of Lynette coming out of her misery?

Did you think Lynette was capable of killing Diamond Jim?

Did you find it believable that Diamond Jim was struck by lightning?

Why do you think the author chose that method of dying?

If Diamond Jim had lived, do you think Mama would continue to live in the past?

Do you have a favorite quote from the story?

Did the story stay with you after you finished reading the book?

What was your favorite scene?

What feelings did the story stir for you?

What did you remember as a result of reading Velvet?

Did you learn or re-learn anything as a result of reading Velvet?


Messages & Themes:

Do you think the author had a purpose for sharing this story?

Velvet includes themes of heartbreak, forgiveness, friendship, grace, religion, relationships, jealousy, and envy. Which theme was most relatable for you?

The garden and tending to it was integral to the story in many ways – what did it symbolize?

The statue of Mary played a meaningful role – what was it?



What part did Bobby play in the story?

What role did Ditty play in the story?

What role did Pops play in the story?

What did you think about Velvet’s relationship with God?

Do you think God can only be found in church, like Pops believed?

Lynette & Joan Evan had a volatile relationship. In what way did their relationship influence Velvet’s relationship with Janet Evans?

Velvet was granted little time with Diamond Jim. If she had more time with him, do you think they could have forged a more meaningful relationship?

Why do you think Mikey Sullivan waited so long for Lynette?



Do you think Lynette and Mikey Sullivan can have a future together?

If you could ask the author one question, what would it be?

Can you imagine Velvet as a major motion picture?

If so, who would you cast as Velvet, and why?

If so, who would you cast as Mama, and why?

If so, who would you cast as Diamond Jim, and why?

If so, who would you cast as Ditty, and why?

If so, who would you cast as Joan Evans, and why?

Could Velvet have a sequel?